
Here you will find all important information related to Stardust TCG. If you cannot an answer to your question, you are welcome to ask in the forum or discord.
About TCG Level Cards & Deck Quests & Currency Trade
Deck Donation Graphic Donation Freebies Reward Reference Stampcards


There you will find the games. What the games bring you. They are the perfect way to collect cards to be able to submit more exchange offers. You will also notice over time that you can also collect Stardust and Stars there. These are explained in more detail here.


We have two types of currency here: Stardust and Star! Since the TCG and staff will not keep track how much currency each player has, it's the player's responsibility to do that instead.

This currency is called Stardust. You have two options with this currency.
First, save and convert into Star.
Second, there is a small Stardust shop. There you can buy a small random pack of regular cards.

This currency is called Star. You have two options with this currency.
First, you can use it to buy many different random packs.
Second, you can use it to unlock your player deck.
You can find a more detailed list in the shop via the Player Area!

Stradust Shoppe

Stardust and Stars can be used to redeem and/or purchase items or other things from the shop such as booster packs, tickets and Merchandise. For more information about the total limit of redeemed and purchased items, kindly refer to the Stardust Shoppe.

Player Deck

Player Decks are custom Mix Decks from Player. The basic rule still applies. Only screencaps are accepted. But you don't have to stick to an anime, you can take all of your favorite anime.
However, there is only 1 deck per player.
The great thing about this deck is that a card is worth 3.
The last and most important thing about these decks is. Trading is only possible for other player deck cards.
Cards can also be obtained through Quest's.