
Here you will find all important information related to Stardust TCG. If you cannot an answer to your question, you are welcome to ask in the forum or discord.
About TCG Level Cards & Deck Quests & Currency Trade
Deck Donation Graphic Donation Freebies Reward Reference Stampcards

Freebies Guide

Here I try to explain more about the regulation of the freebies.

Weekly Update's

So the updates tell you what you can take for free but please stick to it. If you don't follow the rules*, I have to ask you to remove the cards.

For new members: As soon as you have been activated, you can grab the cards and stuff from the update, that came in the week you joined. But please comment with what you take in the corresponding update.

For members who missed updates but have not yet entered the inactive list: As soon as you are back and you have missed several updates, you can of course pick up everything later. Here also applies that you please comment everything you take in the corresponding update.

For members of the Hiatus, Inactive or Rejoin here: For you, the same rules apply as with the new members. In the week you come back, you can take from that week's update. Again, please comment everything you take on the corresponding update.